Bigeye Trevally

SKU: FHS002_700
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The Bigeye Trevally is a schooling species, known to form aggregations consisting of more than 1500 fish. Due to their nocturnal hunting nature, a popular way to catch large numbers involves illuminating the water surface at night, and using hook and line to catch the fish attracted by the light. An excellent choice for children as their bones are easily removed.

Nutritional Value:
Good source of protein that benefits the health of muscles, skin and nail. Also contains thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, , vitamin A, niacin, vitamin B12 and selenium.  

Best Served:
*Steam, poach, deep-fry, pan-fry, bake, grill, barbecue, smoke, pickle. It tends to be dry so marinating prior to cooking helps prevent drying out, as does wrapping in foil or banana leaves if baking or barbecuing *Preferably serve skinless *They can be excellent for sashimi *Popularly served fried with chips *Curried or herbed mayonnaise makes a delicious accompaniment

Additional Info:
1) Weight stated above is before cleaning & gutting. There may be a weight discrepancy of ±100g. 2) All fish will be cleaned, gutted and vacuum packed. 3) Fish 1.5kg and above will be prepared in steak cuts.

NameBigeye Trevally
Weight 700g ± (per fish), 750g ± (per fish), 800g ± (per fish), 850g ± (per fish), 900g ± (per fish), 950g ± (per fish), 1.0kg ± (per fish)
Bigeye Trevally

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